Welcome to the Mitchell Gallery of Flight

We are a non-profit aviation museum located inside Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport.

Our mission is to inspire present and future generations by preserving and sharing southeast Wisconsin’s flight heritage.

About the gallery

Learn about the Gallery and our presence at Gen. Mitchell International Airport.

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Your donations help the museum fund new exhibits and support our operations.

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Gallery News

March 12 Special Event

When Milwaukee Went to War - Author Tom Fehring
7 PM at the Airport
“When Milwaukee Went to War” brings to life the incredible stories behind the many men and women, from all walks of life, who stepped up and proudly worked toward achieving victory during World War II. The talk will chronicle their hard work and sacrifices, along with the investment and innovation by Milwaukee industry that led to success.

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Scavenger Hunt

Make a trip to the Gallery fun for the kids with this downloadable scavenger hunt! Fill it out and get a prize at the information desk.

Upcoming Events

Check out our events schedule for membership meetings and more!

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